Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wonderment, revisited

Wednesday is trash day. Another chore to be completed- taking it out, gathering the recycling, making sure not to step in dog droppings getting the can to the curb. Oh, and the ever present inquiry "did you take out the trash?'. Again, an adult's perspective, one that is heaped in responsibility and task management.

My boy is in love with the trash truck (and strangely trash was one of his first words). He hears it from another room and comes running, "truck, truck, truck!" Every Wednesday morning about 8:45 you can find us in front of our window watching and pointing and giggling as the trash guy does his own collecting and gathering, fully aware of the entranced eyes of his audience. Nothing else takes place during trash time, it is only a time to watch, in wonderment, as a seemingly mundane task is completed by the distracted adults around him. Today the trash guys honked as they pulled away in their big, amazing vehicle. My son turned to me with eyes as big as his smile- "Truck!"

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